Audit Committee
職稱 | 姓名 | 主要學(經)歷 | 開會 次數 |
實際 出席 |
實際出席率(%) |
召集人 | 陳春結 先生 | 省立基隆海事學校 | 5 | 5 | 100% |
委員 | 陳業鑫 先生 | 國立政治大學法學碩士 | 5 | 5 | 100% |
委員 | 林陣蒼 先生 | 國立台灣大學 會計研究所碩士 | 5 | 5 | 100% |
審計委員會 | 議案內容 | 決議結果 | 公司對審計委員會意見之處理 |
113/03/14 第一屆第十六次 |
提請董事會決議 | 提董事會同意通過 |
113/05/13 第一屆第十七次 |
提請董事會決議 | 提董事會同意通過 |
113/06/27 第二屆第一次 |
請推選本公司第二屆審計委員會召集人及會議主席 | 委員會全體出席委員同意通過 | 無 |
113/07/08 第二屆第二次 |
本公司財務主管任免,提請討論案。 | 提請董事會決議 | 提董事會同意通過 |
113/08/12 第二屆第三次 |
提請董事會決議 | 董事會同意通過 |
113/11/12 第二屆第四次 |
提請董事會決議 | 提董事會同意通過 |
113/12/19 第二屆第五次 |
提請董事會決議 | 提董事會同意通過 |
The duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee are as follows:
1. Formulating or amending internal control systems.
2. Assessing the effectiveness of internal control systems.
3. Establishing or revising procedures for significant financial transactions, including the acquisition or disposal of assets, engaging in derivative transactions, lending funds to others, endorsing or providing guarantees for others.
4. Handling matters involving conflicts of interest for directors themselves.
5. Overseeing significant asset or derivative transactions.
6. Managing significant loans, endorsements, or guarantees of funds.
7. Overseeing the issuance, offering, or private placement of equity securities.
8. Approving the appointment, dismissal, or compensation of auditors.
9. Appointing or dismissing financial, accounting, or internal audit executives.
10. Reviewing annual and semi-annual financial reports.
11. Addressing other significant matters as stipulated by the company or regulatory authorities. The committee is composed of all independent directors and meets at least quarterly.
Audit committee attendance status-After election
Job Title | Name | Primary Academic and Professional Background | Meeting Frequency |
Actual Attend |
Actual Attendance Rate (%) |
Convener | Chun-Chieh Chen | Taiwan Provincial Keelung Maritime School | 5 | 5 | 100% |
Committee member | Yeh-Hsin Chen | Masters degree of Laws, National Chengchi University |
5 | 5 | 100% |
Committee member | Chen-Tsang Lin | Masters degree of Accounting, National Taiwan University |
5 | 5 | 100% |
Contents of resolutions of the 2024 annual meeting
Audit Committee | Motion Content | Resolution Result | The company's handling of the audit committee's opinions |
2024/03/14 First Session 16th |
1.Review the company's 2023 financial statements and consolidated financial statements.
2.Draft the company's profit distribution for year 2023.
3.Draft the company's internal control statement for year 2023.
4.Amend the articles the company's Audit Committee Charter.
Propose for the board meeting. | Approved by the board of directors. |
2024/05/13 First Session 17th |
1.The internal adjustment of the CPA of BDO Taiwan.
2.Review the company's 2024 Q1 financial statements.
3.Review the CPA's independence of company's 2024 financial statements.
Propose for the board meeting. | Approved by the board of directors. |
2024/06/27 Second Session 1st |
Elect the convenor and chairperson of the Company's Second Session Audit Committee. | All committee members present agreed. | None |
2024/07/08 Second Session 2nd |
Appointment of the company's financial officer. | Propose for the board meeting. | Approved by the board of directors. |
2024/08/12 Second Session 3rd |
1.Review the company's 2024 Q2 financial statements.
2.Propose to amend certain provisions of the company's 'Internal Control System'.
3.Propose to amend certain provisions of the company's ' Management Measures of Preparation Process of Financial Reports '.
Propose for the board meeting. | Approved by the board of directors. |
2024/11/12 Second Session 4th |
1.Review the company's 2024 Q3 financial statements.
2.Propose to formulate the company's internal audit plan for 2025.
3.Propose to establish the company's bank credit limits for 2025 and authorize the Chairman to handle the renewal process in full.
Propose for the board meeting. | Approved by the board of directors. |
2024/12/19 Second Session 5th |
1.Review the CPA's independence of company's 2025 financial statements and public expenses for accountants.
2.Propose to amend certain provisions of the companys' Items for Assessing the Effectiveness of the Internal Control System '.
Propose for the board meeting. | Approved by the board of directors. |
Contents of resolutions over the years
Remuneration Committee
職稱 | 姓名 | 主要學(經)歷 | 開會 次數 |
實際 出席 |
實際出席率(%) |
召集人 | 林陣蒼 先生 | 國立台灣大學 會計研究所碩士 | 2 | 2 | 100% |
委員 | 陳業鑫 先生 | 國立政治大學法學碩士 | 2 | 2 | 100% |
委員 | 陳春結 先生 | 省立基隆海事學校 | 2 | 2 | 100% |
薪資報酬委員會 | 議案內容 | 決議結果 | 公司對薪資報酬委員會意見之處理 |
113/01/12 第五屆第九次 |
委員會全體出席 委員同意通過 |
提董事會同意通過 |
113/03/01 第五屆第十次 |
請審議本公司民國一一二年度董事酬勞及員工酬勞發放案,提請討論案。 | 委員會全體出席 委員同意通過 |
提董事會同意通過 |
113/07/08 第六屆第一次 |
請推選本公司第六屆薪資報酬委員會召集人及會議主席。 | 委員會全體出席 委員同意通過 |
無 |
113/10/23 第六屆第二次 |
委員會全體出席 委員同意通過 |
提董事會同意通過 |
The Remuneration Committee functions in a professional and impartial capacity to assess the salary and compensation policies and systems for the directors and executives of our company. It provides recommendations to the Board of Directors for their decision-making reference. The committee members are appointed by the Board of Directors and currently consist of three independent directors. The committee convenes at least twice annually.
Remuneration committee attendance status in 2024-After election
Job Title | Name | Primary Academic and Professional Background | Meeting Frequency |
Actual Attend |
Actual Attendance Rate (%) |
Convener | Chen-Tsang Lin | Masters degree of Accounting, National Taiwan University |
2 | 2 | 100% |
Committee member | Yeh-Hsin Chen | Masters degree of Laws, National Chengchi University |
2 | 2 | 100% |
Committee member | Chun-Chieh Chen | Taiwan Provincial Keelung Maritime School | 2 | 2 | 100% |
Contents of resolutions of the 2024 annual meeting
Remuneration Committee | Motion Content | Resolution Result | The company handling the opinions from the salary and remuneration committee |
2024/01/12 Fifth Session 9th |
1.Review the retirement benefits proposal for the company's former General Manager.
2.Review the draft of the appointment contract for the company's appointed managers (General Manager), to be used for external hiring and internal promotions.
3.Review the compensation proposal for the company's newly appointed General Manager.
All committee members present agreed. | Approved by the board of directors. |
2024/03/01 Fifth Session 10th |
Review the proposal for the distribution of director and employee compensation for the year 2023. | All committee members present agreed. | Approved by the board of directors. |
2024/07/08 Sixth Session 1st |
Elect the convenor and chairperson of the Company's Sixth Session Remuneration Committee. | All committee members present agreed. | None |
2024/10/23 Sixth Session 2nd |
1.Evaluation of the reasonableness of the remuneration paid to directors and executives for the 2023.
2.Review the company's policies, systems, standards, and structure regarding the salaries and remuneration of directors and executives.
3.Propose the year-end bonus distribution proposal for the 2024.
All committee members present agreed. | Approved by the board of directors. |
Download past meeting resolutions
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Sustainable Development Committee
After the committee reviews and approves sustainability goals, policies, and other related proposals, they are submitted to the Board of Directors for assessment of their feasibility, and then assigned to the company's dedicated sustainability unit for actual implementation.
The duties and responsibilities of the Sustainable Development Committee are as follows:
- Formulate, promote, and strengthen the company's sustainable development policies, annual plans, and strategies.
- Review, track, and revise the implementation and effectiveness of sustainable development.
- Supervise the disclosure of sustainability information and review sustainability reports.
- Oversee the implementation of the company's sustainability code and other sustainability-related work authorized by the Board of Directors.
- Formulate, promote, and strengthen the company's risk management policies, annual plans, and strategies.
- Review, track, and revise the implementation and effectiveness of risk management.
職稱 | 姓名 | 主要學(經)歷 | 開會 次數 |
實際 出席 |
實際出席率(%) |
委員 | 陳業鑫 先生 | 國立政治大學法學碩士 | 0 | 0 | - |
委員 | 陳春結 先生 | 省立基隆海事學校 | 0 | 0 | - |
委員 | 林陣蒼 先生 | 國立台灣大學 會計研究所碩士 | 0 | 0 | - |
Job Title | Name | Primary Academic and Professional Background | Meeting Frequency |
Actual Attend |
Actual Attendance Rate (%) |
Committee member | Yeh-Hsin Chen | Masters degree of Laws, National Chengchi University |
0 | 0 | - |
Committee member | Chun-Chieh Chen | Taiwan Provincial Keelung Maritime School | 0 | 0 | - |
Committee member | Chen-Tsang Lin | Masters degree of Accounting, National Taiwan University |
0 | 0 | - |
Contents of resolutions of the 2024 annual meeting
The meeting has not yet been convened.
Sustainable Development Unit
Risk Management Implementation
本公司建立多層次風險管理組織架構,並經董事會通過,由公司各部門主管組成 「風險管理小組」,並隸屬永續發展委員會(由三名獨立董事組成),定期於永續發展委員會議中報告公司所面臨的風險環境、風險管理重點、風險評估及因應措施,並至少一年一次於董事會報告風險管理之監督情形,目前公司風險管理組織架構如下圖:
The company has established a multi-level risk management organizational structure, which has been approved by the Board of Directors. A "Risk Management Team," composed of department heads from various company divisions, operates under the Sustainable Development Committee (composed of three independent directors). The team regularly reports on the company's risk environment, key risk management areas, risk assessments, and response measures during Sustainable Development Committee meetings. At least once a year, the team also reports on the oversight of risk management to the Board of Directors. The current company risk management organizational structure is shown in the diagram below:
The company has established its risk management and procedure policies by referring to the "Risk Management Practices for Listed Companies," which serve as the highest guiding principles for the company's risk management. Every year, the Risk Management Team conducts an identification of risk factors to recognize potential risks that may affect the company's sustainable development. The team then formulates risk management policies for each identified risk, covering management objectives, organizational structure, responsibilities, risk management procedures, and other mechanisms to ensure effective identification, measurement, and control of the company's risks, keeping major risks within acceptable limits.
The company's risk management process generally consists of four stages: risk identification, risk analysis, risk assessment, and risk response:
- Risk Identification:
- Risk Analysis:
- Risk Assessment:
- Risk Response:
Operational Status
Each year, a risk assessment is conducted based on materiality principles, considering the potential significant impacts of economic, environmental, and social governance issues on customers, investors, and other stakeholders. Risk management strategies and plans are then formulated. For high-risk issues, in addition to regular reports on risk status and strengthened control plans during Risk Management Team meetings, these issues are also reported to the Sustainable Development Committee for supervisory review. The Sustainable Development Committee reports to the Board of Directors at least once a year.
Implementation Status
On December 19, 2024, the Board of Directors established the company's risk management policies and procedures and formed the Sustainable Development Committee to oversee future risk management matters.