Terms Of Reference


1. Handle matters related to the proceedings of the Board of Directors and shareholders' meetings in accordance with the law.
2. Prepare minutes for both the Board of Directors and shareholders' meetings.
3. Assist directors and supervisors in their appointment and ongoing professional development.
4. Provide necessary information to support the execution of duties by directors and supervisors.
5. Assist directors and supervisors in compliance with legal regulations.
6. Report to the Board of Directors on the examination results of the qualifications of independent directors during nomination, appointment, and tenure, in accordance with relevant legal regulations.
7. Manage matters related to changes in the composition of the Board of Directors.
8. Handle other matters stipulated in the company's articles of incorporation or contracts.

Scope Of Authority

職稱 姓名 主要學歷 主要經歷
協理 黃棣禎 中國文化大學

Job Title


Main Academic Qualifications

Main Experience


Cindy Huang

Chinese Culture University

Department of International Trade

Tairoun Products

Director of Management Department

Study Status

進修日期 主辦單位 課程名稱
112年6月2日 證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 112年度防範內線交易宣導會3小時
112年9月4日 金融監督管理委員會 第十四屆臺北公司治理論壇6小時
112年10月19日 中華公司治理協會 全球趨勢對台灣企業之影響及相關解析3小時
112年11月17日 中華公司治理協會 公司治理主管合規工作實務3小時
112年11月29日 證券暨期貨市場發展基金會 112年度內部人股權交易法律遵循宣導說明會


  • 一、協助獨立董事及一般董事執行職務、提供所需資料並安排董事進修:

    (一) 針對公司治理相關之最新法令規章修訂發展,於就任時提供董事會成員。

    (二) 獨立董事有與內部稽核主管或簽證會計師個別會面瞭解公司財務業務之需要時,協助安排相關會議。

    (三) 提供董事進修課程資訊、協助董事參加進修報名及安排課程。

  • 二、 協助董事會及股東會議事程序及決議法遵事宜:

    (一) 確認董事會及股東會召開是否符合相關法規及公司治理規範。

    (二) 協助且提醒董事於董事會正式決議時應遵守之法規。

    (三) 檢覈董事會及股東會後重要決議之重大訊息發布事宜。

    (四) 擬訂董事會議程於七日前通知董事,並提供會議資料,議題如涉及利益迴避予以事前提醒,並於會後二十日內完成董事會議事錄。

  • 三、 依法辦理股東會日期登記及法定期間內製作開會通知、議事手冊、議事錄等相關事宜,並於公司章程修訂或董事改選辦理公司變更登記事務。


  • 一、管理階層之培訓及接班規畫
  • 二、員工行為或倫理守則


  • 三、公司購買董事責任保險之情形


Continuing Education Date


Course Title


Securities and Futures Market Development Foundation

2023 Insider Trading Prevention Promotion Conference, 3 hours


Financial Regulatory Commission

The 14th Taipei Corporate Governance Forum, 6 hours


China Corporate Governance Association

The impact of global trends on Taiwanese companies and related analysis, 3 hours


China Corporate Governance Association

Corporate Governance Supervisor Compliance Work Practice, 3 hours


Securities and Futures Market Development Foundation

2023 Legal Compliance Information Conference on Insider Equity Transactions

Execution Status in 2023

Assistance to Independent Directors and Board Members in Performing Duties, Providing Necessary Information, and Arranging Board Education:

1. Keeping Board Members Informed of the Latest Developments in Legal and Regulatory Revisions Related to Corporate Governance upon Assumption of Office.
2. Assisting Independent Directors in Arranging Meetings with Internal Audit Executives or Certified Public Accountants to Understand the Company's Financial Operations When Necessary.
3. Providing Information on Board Education Courses, Assisting Directors in Enrollment, and Arranging Course Attendance.

Assistance in Board and Shareholder Meeting Procedures and Compliance with Decision-making Procedures:

1. Ensuring Compliance with Relevant Regulations and Corporate Governance Standards in Convening Board and Shareholder Meetings.
2. Assisting and Reminding Directors to Adhere to Regulations When Formally Resolving Matters at Board Meetings.
3. Reviewing the Disclosure of Important Information Following Board and Shareholder Meetings.
4. Drafting Board Meeting Agendas, Notifying Directors Seven Days in Advance, Providing Meeting Materials, Alerting in Advance on Matters Involving Conflict of Interest, and Completing Board Meeting Minutes Within Twenty Days After the Meeting.

Handling Shareholder Meeting Date Registration in Accordance with the Law, Within the Statutory Period, Preparing Meeting Notices, Agenda Booklets, Meeting Records, etc. Also, Managing Corporate Change Registration in Case of Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation or Director Elections.

Other Important Information for Understanding Corporate Governance Operations:

1. Training and Succession Planning for Management.
2. Employee Behavior or Code of Ethics.

The Company has established "Work Rules," "Integrity Operation Guidelines," and "Code of Ethical Conduct," outlining clear regulations for employees to fulfill their duties diligently, abide by all company rules and regulations, refrain from exploiting their positions for personal gain or the benefit of others, and avoid engaging in unethical behavior or accepting improper gifts, entertainment, or other unlawful benefits.

3. Status of the Company's Purchase of Directors' Liability Insurance:

The Company has purchased liability insurance for directors and executives for the duration of their term to cover liabilities arising from the performance of their duties within the scope of the law, and the renewal situation is reported to the Board for consideration.