Corporate Regulations
- 公司章程 112.06.21Articles of Incorporation 2023.06.21
- 股東會議事規則 111.06.29Rules and Procedures of Shareholders Meeting 2022.06.29
- 董事選舉辦法 110.08.15Procedures for Election of Directors 2021.08.15
- 處理董事要求之標準作業程序 112.08.10Standard Operating Procedures of Handling Director Requests 2023.08.10
- 董事會及功能性委員會評鑑辦法 113.11.12Rules for Performance Evaluation of Board of Directors and Functional Committee 2024.11.12
- 審計委員會組織規程 113.03.14Audit Committee Charter 2024.03.14
- 薪資報酬委員會組織規程 100.10.27Remuneration Committee Charter 2011.10.27
- 公司治理守則 113.11.12Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles 2024.11.12
- 誠信經營守則 112.12.18Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles 2023.12.18
- 道德行為準則 104.03.20Codes of Ethical 2015.03.20
- 永續發展實務守則 112.05.11Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles 2023.05.11
- 取得或處分資產處理程序 111.06.29Operational Procedures for Acquisition and Disposal of Assets 2022.06.29
- 資金貸與他人作業程序 108.06.25Operational Procedures for Loaning Funds to Others 2019.06.25
- 背書保證作業程序 108.06.25Operational Procedures for Endorsements Guarantees 2019.06.25
- 衍生性商品交易作業辦法Derivatives Trading Operational Guidelines
- 關係人交易管理辦法 112.11.10Related Party Transaction Management Procedures 2023.11.10
- 防範內線交易管理作業程序 112.11.10The Management Operations Procedure for Preventing Insider Trading 2023.11.10
- 內部控制制度 113.08.12Internal Control System 2023.03.23
- 內部稽核實施細則 112.03.23Internal Audit Implementation Rules 2023.03.23
- 財務報告簽證會計師獨立性評估辦法 105.10.31Regulations of the Financial Statement CPA’s Independence Assessment2016.10.31
- 財務報表編製流程管理辦法 113.08.12Management Measures of Preparation Process of Financial Reports 2024.08.12
- 重大資訊處理作業程序 111.11.08Procedures for Handling Material Inside Information 2022.11.08
- 智慧財產管理計畫 112.11.06Intellectual Property Management Plan 2023.11.06
- 檢舉制度管理辦法 112.11.06Whistleblowing System Management Regulations 2023.11.06
- 關係人相互間財務業務相關作業管理辦法Financial and Business Matters Between the Company and its Related Parties
- 董事會議事規則 113.03.14Rules of Procedure for Board of Directors Meetings 2024.03.14
- 永續報告書編製及驗證之作業程序 113.05.13Rules of Preparation and Verification of Sustainability Reports 2024.05.13
- 永續發展委員會組織規程 113.11.12Sustainable Development Committee Charter 2024.11.12